The Blue Coat Certified ProxySG Professional (BCCPP) Course are intended for IT professionals who wish to master the advance features of the Blue Coat ProxySG. After completing this course, you will understand:
Students should be familiar with networking essentials, such as LAN, internet, security, and IP protocols. Basic knowledge of authentication methods is also a plus.
>The architecture of the Proxy SG
>How to use Content Policy Language and trace policy execution
>Authentication realms and how to configure them on the Proxy SG
>How to use the Proxy SG for forwarding and failover
>Streaming media and bandwidth management
>How the Proxy SG works with the ProxyAV to perform anti-virus scanning
> How Blue Coat Director can be used to manage multiple Proxy SG appliances
Module 1:
SGOS ArchitectureCaching Architecture
Introduction to CPL
Basic CPL
Intermediate CPL
Policy Tracing
CPL Best Practices
Advanced Authentication Concepts
Guest Authentication and Error Handling
Authentication with BCAAA
Kerberos Authentication
Authentication Troubleshooting
SSL Advanced Topics
ProxySG Performance Monitoring
ProxySG Integration