AWS Architect

Module 1:

Course Introduction

Introduction to AWS
Introduction to the AWS products
Regions and Availability Zones
Signing up for AWS
AWS Free usage tier
Introduction AWS management console

Module 2:

EC2 Instances

Understanding AMI
Launching your first AWS instance
On-demand Instance pricing
Reserved Instance pricing
Spot instance pricing
Setting up security
Security groups
Choosing the AMI
Creating a new AMI
IP Addressing Scheme
Public and Private IP’s
Deploying a new instance from the created AMI
Key Pairs
Elastic IP’s

Module 3:

Creating Virtual Machines

Introduce virtual machines
Virtual machine hardware
Virtual machine files
Create and work with virtual machines and templates

Module 4:

ELB (Elastic Load Balancer)

Introduction to ELB
Basic ELB concepts
Internet-facing ELB
VPC – facing ELB
Create an ELB (Elastic Load Balancer)
Adding and removing instances on ELB

Module 5:

EBS (Elastic Block Storage)

Create EBS volumes
Delete EBS Volumes
Attach and detach EBS volumes
Mounting and un-mounting EBS volume
Creating and deleting snapshots
Creating volumes from snapshots

Module 6:

Cloud Watch

Cloud watch dashboard
Configuring Monitoring services
Setting thresholds
Configuring actions
Creating a cloud watch alarm
Getting statistics for EC2 instances
Monitoring other AWS services
Configuring Notifications
Integrating cloud watch with Auto scaling

Module 7:

Simple Notification Service (SNS)

What is SNS?
Creating a topic
Create subscription
SES (Simple Email Services)
SQS (Simple Queue Service)
Subscribed to the subscription (SQS, Email, Email-Json, SMS, HTTP, HTPPS, Application)

Module 8:

Auto scaling

Horizontal vs. vertical scaling
Boot strapping
Create a launch configuration
Create an Auto Scaling group
Create a policy for your Auto Scaling group
Set up an auto-scaled, load-balanced Amazon EC2 application

Module 9:

Identity access management (IAM)

Creating Users and Groups
Applying policies
Password Policy
Command line management

Module 10:

Elastic Beanstalk

Creating environment
Application versioning
Deploying a sample app
What is S3?
RRS (Reduced Redundancy storage)
S3 durability and redundancy
S3 Buckets
S3 Uploading Downloading
S3 Permissions
S3 Object Versioning
S3 Lifecycle Policies
Glacier Storage

Module 11:


Creating zones
Hosting a website
Understanding routing policies
Weighted simple and failover policies

Module 12:

Relational Database Service (RDS)

Selecting the Database type
Configuring the database
Creating database
Configuring backups
Configuring the maintenance windows
Connecting to the database

Module 13:

Cloud Formation

What is cloud formation?
Deploying template
Create Stack
Delete Stack
Provisioning application resources with Cloud Formation

Module 14:

Cloud Front

Use of cloud front
Creating a cloud front distribution
Hosting a website of cloud front distribution
Implementing restrictions
Configuring origins and behaviours
CDN (Content Delivery Network)

Module 15:

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

What is VPC?
VPC configuration
VPC security
Elastic IP’s
Inbound and outbound ACL’s
Dynamo DB
Creating a Dynamo db
Configuring alarms
Adding data manually

Module 16:

AWS troubleshooting

Troubleshooting EC2 instances
Troubleshooting using Cloud Watch
Troubleshooting using ELB
Using Cloud Trail

Module 17:

Trusted Advisor

Cost Optimization
Fault Tolerance